
01 | general description

Know more about WinLab

With WinLab, the city of Winterthur wants to position itself as a real-world living lab to test in systematic ways social and technological innovations supporting the smart sustainable city development especially in the context of the energy and climate concept aiming at net zero by 2040.


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Affordables & Efficients housing / retrofitting

Energy at work

Energy Communities

Tourism & Leisure


Smart Energy

Smart City

Citizen Science


Innovation Boosters

ongoing projects

Startup promotion in the Smart Energy Cluster

The « Startup Funding » project provides for the establishment of an incubator (early-stage funding) for start-ups in the field of « Smart Energy »

Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) Front Runner programme, ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Technopark Winterthur

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Social Power Project

 – Cocreated an application to reduce energy consumption in neighbourhoods through a partnership model

 – Cofunded initially by the Gebert-Rüf foundation, then by SFOE and in partnership with SUPSI (Applied science university of Italian Switzerland), ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Stadtwerk Winterthur

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WinLab Co-Creation Platform

– Flagship tool of WinLab which helps startups to find companies, academia and interested customers. Challenges are driven by citizens and stakeholders. Action fields include energy, mobility, and more related to WinLab

– City of Winterthur, ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Urban Equipe


Innovation Booster Swiss Smart Cities

– Innosuisse funding of incremental and radical innovation in Cities throughout Switzerland

– BFH Berne University of Applied Sciences, ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Smart City Alliance, etc.

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SWEET Lantern

– Interfaces for the Energy Transition through the set up and scale up of 5 Energy Living Labs across Switzerland, among them WinLab

– Funding by Swiss Federal Office of Energy, ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, City of Winterthur

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Juridical Entity



Maturity level

0 %

Living lab Manager

Vicente Carabias

+41 58 934 70 15


Key stakeholders

The initial governance model of WinLab is an informal partnership between the City of Winterthur and ZHAW.  The Smart City Strategy outlines all the key players with whom WinLab have been collaborating. However, there is no formal governance model for WinLab as yet. 


New key stakeholders have been emerging who may have an interest in developing a Public, Private, People, Partnership (PPPP) model to advance the governance model of WinLab.


The operational model is divided between the City of Winterthur and ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences and is considered a unique model which works effectively.


Link to Winterthur website

03 | Latest developments

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  • Living Labs
First General Assembly
février 27, 2023/

First General Assembly on June 12t, 2023 The SWEET Lantern Consortium will held its first General Assembly on June 12,…

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