01 | Innovate throught the living labs
For SWEET Lantern consortium, “a living lab is an innovation intermediary, which orchestrates an ecosystem of actors in a specific region.”
Its goal is to co-design products and services, in an iterative way, with key stakeholders in a public-private-people partnership and in a real-life setting.
One of the outcomes of this co-design process is the co-creation of social value (benefit). To achieve its objectives, the Living Lab mobilises existing innovation tools and methods or develop new ones.
— Mastelic, 2019
02 | living lab structure & teams

Innovation teams operate through the Living Labs and comprise Living Lab managers, implementation partners, university representatives and ideally, customers who are expected to benefit from the planned innovations.
They may also include other key stakeholders who play a role in developing the idea, such as regulatory authorities. They co-design new products, services, programs, policies for a societal value.
03 | National Energy Living Lab association

Energy Living Lab Association is a non-profit organisation that is the leading house of the Consortium Living Labs for Decarbonisation. The leading house assumes responsibility vis-à-vis Innosuisse for processing the Innovation Boosters. The leading house supports the consortium in the conception and implementation of the Innovation Boosters.

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