01 | our goal
Energy in Work explores energy saving potential of new working models of office jobs, i.e., new ways of where, how, when, and how much people work, with a particular emphasis on efficient and reduced use of working space.
Assessment of existing and emerging working models:
- Impacts on overall energy consumption, employee well-being and performance
- Required changes in infrastructure and working regimes.
Co-design of new, energy-saving working models together with employees, employers, facility and property managers, scientists, and other stakeholders.
Implementation of socio-technical solutions for energy-efficient and user-oriented workplaces:
- Testing of new working models for different workplaces and working time regimes, tailored to different target groups
- Definition of typologies of infrastructure enabling workspace sharing
- Definition of technical-economic feasibility studies supporting energy retrofit of buildings in need of functional change for novel working contexts;
- Definition of solutions and attractive concepts of living for a flexible use of space of living and recreation to prevent backfire effects
- Conceptualisation of a digital platform for workspace sharing
02 | our team
Heads of the project (co-lead)
- Dr Sebastiano Maltese (SUPSI), Dipartimento Ambiente Costruzioni Design
- Evelyn Lobsiger (ZHAW), Institut for Sustainable Development
- Nicolà Bezzola, Uni Bern, Center for Development and Environment
- Dr. Stephanie Moser, Uni Bern, Center for Development and Environment
- Jasmin Oberkalmsteiner, ZHAW, Institute for Sustainable Development
- Uros Tomic, ZHAW, Institute for Sustainable Development
- Dr. Rafaël Weissbrodt, HES-SO, Institute of Health
03 | Latest News
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End of Content.